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Our Services


How it all ties together...

PostGIS Related PostgreSQL Extensions 
  • PGROUTING Extends PostGIS to support geospatial routing such as driving distance, shortest path distance, and traveling salesman which can take into consideration various costs such as speed and turn restrictions. ​
  • OGRFDW. A PostgreSQL foreign data wrapper built on GDAL/OGR. Allows reading other spatial and non-spatial datasources as tables in PostgreSQL. Vector data gets translated to PostGIS geometry type ​
  • PG POINT CLOUD. A PostgreSQL extension and loader for storing Point Cloud data in PostgreSQL. Also includes extension for casting between point cloud data type and PostGIS geometry.
Real-Time Analytics Dashboards 
  • CITUS Whether your app works with financial data, website analytics, IOT data, ad tech, or any other type of monitoring data—time series workloads often need to grow beyond the memory, compute, and disk of a single node. Citus gives you parallelism, a distributed architecture, and columnar compression to deal with large data volumes—and can be combined with PostgreSQL’s time partitioning to optimize your timeseries queries. 
  • Customer-facing real-time analytics dashboards need to deliver sub-second query responses to 1000s of concurrent users, while simultaneously ingesting fresh data and enabling users to query the fresh data in real time, too. By scaling out Postgres across multiple nodes, Citus gives your analytics dashboards the compute, memory, and performance they need to process billions of events in real time.
Time Series Workloads 
  • PG_partman Partitioning capability improves performance: Sub-second query responses for billions of events Citus columnar for compression of older data Integrated with native Postgres partitioning (& pg_partman)

Advanced Analytics : Integrate versatile online data analytics (OLAP, ROLAP, MOLAP, GOLAP) with Machine Learning, AutoML, and Deep Learning

Deploy real time interactive analytics with informative visualizations that maximize decision-making value chain in your data and provide more business insight. Implement designer dashboards, automated reporting, and business transformation solutions including Mapping, Routing, Logistics, Operations, Decision Support, and Network Operations Centers.

Distributed Datasets : One Architecture One-Store , Multi-Model Data Store Hyper Extended Data Bank

  • Single store Relational NoSQL, Document Relational, graph-DB, geo-spatial, columnar, cube,& OLAP 
  •  Distributed, Relational NoSQL, Relational, graph-DB, geo-spatial, columnar, cube,& OLAP
  • Enterprise Fed Ramp Compliant Azure Env. Options

Designer Dashboards : Publish informative interactive dashboards.

  • Executive Reporting, Designer Dashboards, Success Scorecards, & E2E Data Services
  • Interactive, model driven, near real time, contingency planning custom reporting
  • Data Architecture, Governance, Solutions, & Consulting Services

Geospatial Datawarehouse : Access GIS, Graph DB, and MeshQL API

This platform comes with data, a whole lot of it, including sysnthesized dense highly usable data sets, of people, places, demographics, econometrics, as well as Supply-Chain/Segmention metrics.

Hyperscale : Deploy a high-performance infrastructure

Be on top of things if you have heard about Hyperscale infrastructure, the design that provides horizontal scalability, significant levels of performance, major upgrades in throughput, redundancy, fault tolerance and, of course, high availability. HgO a single store, multimodel, cloud or hybrid hyperscale Postgres-extended system of systems (GIS/Hyperscale/Graph-DB/Relational-DB/Cube/OLAP/Postgraphile/Mesh-QL) Plartform.

Hyperconvergence : Want a state of the art data science analytics machine?

  • Azure Stack HCI is a new hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI) operating system delivered as an Azure service. It provides the latest security, performance, and hybrid capabilities, which now include Azure Arc enablement and new management scenarios through the Azure portal. 
  •  Central management for hybrid and multiload resources Azure Arc offers simplified management, faster app development, and consistent Azure services. Easily organize, govern, and secure Windows and Linux servers, SQL Server, and Kubernetes clusters across datacenters, the edge, and multicloud environments in Azure. 
  •  The AMD EPYC™ processor is ideally suited for hyperconvergence providing high performance computing with high core counts per socket coupled with an impressive number of I/O channels for native connectivity to storage. 